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 COVID-19 is amplifying economic, health, and social inequalities around the world. We bring attention to these inequalities and the ways to possibly mitigate the social impact equitably.

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Teen Essential Workers

Some teenagers have seen themselves become essential workers during the pandemic, serving as their family breadwinner. Some teens in...

Restaurants During Pandemic

In the midst of restaurants re-opening and drawing customers back in, restaurants have taken creative measures to allow customers in...

Visiting A Pool

The CDC has recently informed that it does not appear possible for coronavirus to spread through pools. However, individuals should still...

Female Academics During Pandemic

The life of a female academic during the pandemic has proven to illustrate unique challenges. Notably, female academics are often subject...

Hero Pay and Essential Workers

Many essential workers were granted a small pay raise, sometimes called "hero pay", during the coronavirus pandemic. However, for many,...

Racism Will Persist

The racial tensions and racial injustices committed against African-Americans in recent times have only served as a reminder of the...

Translation Challenges

COVID-19 resources and information on the internet only reaches a number of individuals proficient in the more popular and accessible...

Asian-American Providers and Racism

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a rise in racist incidents and attacks against Asian-Americans. Asian-American doctors and nurses, in...

Bedside Narrative From A Physician

An NPR article explores the human-centered narrative and experiences at the bedside for a patient and health provider during the...

Air Ambulances Role During Pandemic

Air ambulances play a newfound role during the pandemic. Such air ambulances may play a crucial role transporting COVID-19 patients...

COVID-19 Mystery Illness in Children

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released an alert regarding a mysterious but dangerous disease related to...

Hazard Pay for Medical Workers

Health workers were omitted from the trillions in assistance funds approved by Congress. Medical personnel, at the moment, are not...

Coronavirus In Nursing Homes Rise

Nursing homes that are publicly reporting cases of coronavirus have doubled within the past week. Moreover, in certain states - including...

Black American Bus Drivers

The pandemic has only served to exacerbate and reveal already existing disparities in health between white and black Americans. Black...

Children and Vaccination Needs

NPR reports a drop in pediatric appointments, likely related to the current increase in telemedicine appointments and fears of exposing...

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Thank you for your interest in the social impact of COVID-19. For more information, including making contributions, feel free to get in touch and we will get back to you soon!

Thank you.

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This site was created by Diana Grigsby-Toussaint, a social epidemiologist at the Brown University School of Public Health. It brings together colleagues from sociology - Antwan Jones (George Washington University), health geography - Imelda Moise (University of Miami) and education - Sarai Coba-Rodriguez (University of Illinois-Chicago) to examine the social impact of COVID-19.

Madeline Noh, a Brown University undergraduate double majoring in public health and anthropology, is the site manager.

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Health inequalities and the social determinants of health are not a footnote to the determinants of health. They are the main issue.

Sir Michael Marmot

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